單寧是英文Tannins的譯名,是葡萄酒中所含有的二種酚化合物(phenolic compounds)其中的一種物質,尤其是紅葡萄酒中含量較多,產生的來源有二:一為葡萄本身(籽、皮、及梗);二為儲酒之橡木桶。前者於紅葡萄汁帶皮帶籽(必要時帶一些梗)浸泡發酵時,透過酒精而萃取溶入酒液內(白葡萄酒因為去皮去籽僅留下汁液發酵,幾乎無法由皮與籽中萃取出單寧),後者則因發酵後的酒液於橡木桶內熟成(aged)時,與桶壁接觸,而萃取出橡木內的單寧(有些未進行桶內熟成適合年輕飲用的紅酒,如薄酒來,就完全沒有這種來源的單寧,相反的,有些存放於橡木桶熟成的白酒,會有一些這種來源的單寧)。
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
The most widely-planted red wine grape in France is Carignan. It is a late budding grape that needs a warm climate to ripen, such as we have here in Gilroy. Most vines in California are old and ours are over 70 years old. In Italy it is called Carignano and can be found on the island of Sardinia and in the region of Lazio on the west coast of the boot.
The most widely-planted red wine grape in France is Carignan. It is a late budding grape that needs a warm climate to ripen, such as we have here in Gilroy. Most vines in California are old and ours are over 70 years old. In Italy it is called Carignano and can be found on the island of Sardinia and in the region of Lazio on the west coast of the boot.
原產自法國波爾多產區。 Merlot! 長久活在Cabernet Sauvignon盛名之下,一直沒有得到應有的評價。雖然,最高級的Cabernet,無法爭辯地,是酒中之王。但對一般人來說,在同樣價位之下, Merlot 比Cabernet好入口。Merlot果粒比Cabernet小,果皮比Cabernet薄,單寧酸比較低,酸度也比較低。所以一般來說,Merlot 比Cabernet軟一點、順一點、果香重一點,單寧質地較柔順,口感以圓滑厚實為主,酸度也較低,雖極適久存陳年,但不似卡本內-蘇維翁動輒十年二十年,較快達到適飲期。近年來逐漸流行,常供不應求。美國在最近十幾年,Merlot銷售量大增。雖然美國人的品味對歐洲人來說,一直是被嘲笑的話題。但,由此我們可以略知一二Merlot的親和力。 一般來說,如果你還不習慣Cabernet 卻又愛紅酒,Merlot是很不錯的選擇。
A grape that produces not deep, but nicely-coloured, wines, soft in fruit but capable of great richness. It is invaluable in Bordeaux, bringing Iusciousness of fruit and a velvet-like quality to the finish of wines that might otherwise be somewhat hard and austere.
A grape that produces not deep, but nicely-coloured, wines, soft in fruit but capable of great richness. It is invaluable in Bordeaux, bringing Iusciousness of fruit and a velvet-like quality to the finish of wines that might otherwise be somewhat hard and austere.
Cabernet Sauvignon (卡本納蘇維翁紅酒)
Cabernet Sauvignon念起來長又繞口。 這名字是因為他是Cabernet franc跟Sauvignon blanc雜交而得到的品種。 如果嫌繞口難念,可簡稱為Cabernet,果農或酒保常更簡單地稱為Cab。
法國波爾多有所謂的五大酒莊,所釀的酒可說世界第一級。 其中四個,他們的紅酒便主要是用Cabernet釀的。
Cabernet Sauvignon的氣味主要是厚重濃郁的果香系或木香系或香料系。其中最主要也幾乎都跑不掉的是黑醋栗(currant)或櫻桃或紫羅蘭的氣味,另外視產區不同,可以有香草、李子、茴香、巧克力、檜木、皮革、橡木等味道。然後入口時,十之八九會感覺到單寧酸(tannin)的那種特別的澀味還有一些的酸味。這單寧酸可硬可軟、可濃可淡。好的Cabernet常常要在橡木桶裡至少躺上二三年(所以價錢才那麼貴),等單寧酸被馴服了一些些,不再那麼澀口割喉之後,才裝瓶拿出來賣。
在加州,如果要標示成為Cabernet Sauvignon,則Cabernet至少須要佔75%。一般來說,Cabernet適合口味厚重、有點油膩的菜餚。
The noblest variety of Bordeaux, vitally important to the classic Medoc wines, rich in colour, aroma and depth. Many of its classical traits have transplanted round the world, as far afield as California, Chile and Australia. The complexities that this grape can achieve transcend simplistic comparisons to cedar, blackcurrants or violets.
法國波爾多有所謂的五大酒莊,所釀的酒可說世界第一級。 其中四個,他們的紅酒便主要是用Cabernet釀的。
Cabernet Sauvignon的氣味主要是厚重濃郁的果香系或木香系或香料系。其中最主要也幾乎都跑不掉的是黑醋栗(currant)或櫻桃或紫羅蘭的氣味,另外視產區不同,可以有香草、李子、茴香、巧克力、檜木、皮革、橡木等味道。然後入口時,十之八九會感覺到單寧酸(tannin)的那種特別的澀味還有一些的酸味。這單寧酸可硬可軟、可濃可淡。好的Cabernet常常要在橡木桶裡至少躺上二三年(所以價錢才那麼貴),等單寧酸被馴服了一些些,不再那麼澀口割喉之後,才裝瓶拿出來賣。
在加州,如果要標示成為Cabernet Sauvignon,則Cabernet至少須要佔75%。一般來說,Cabernet適合口味厚重、有點油膩的菜餚。
The noblest variety of Bordeaux, vitally important to the classic Medoc wines, rich in colour, aroma and depth. Many of its classical traits have transplanted round the world, as far afield as California, Chile and Australia. The complexities that this grape can achieve transcend simplistic comparisons to cedar, blackcurrants or violets.
Charbono (沙邦樂)
限量供應" 全加州只有88公頃地生產Charbono葡萄。 入口味道濃郁,餘韻力度強,可陳年。 有黑草莓味,?燻木香味的感覺。
Originally from Italy, it is the rarest of Italian reds. In California, this varietal dates back to the 1800's. The vines do best in warm to hot climates. There are only a few acres planted in California and most are old vines. A Charbono is best aged five to ten years, with the best of them aging for up to 20 years.
Charbono is very full-bodied, one of the most darkly colored grapes, and has pronounced but soft tannins. All of these attributes are impeccably balanced so that the result is a wine that is highly pleasing and extremely well-liked by consumers. These attributes also mean that charbono is one of the most versatile wines with food. Sadly there is very little charbono planted in America - and very little left in Europe today. But we are certainly big fans of charbono and bet you will be too!
Originally from Italy, it is the rarest of Italian reds. In California, this varietal dates back to the 1800's. The vines do best in warm to hot climates. There are only a few acres planted in California and most are old vines. A Charbono is best aged five to ten years, with the best of them aging for up to 20 years.
Charbono is very full-bodied, one of the most darkly colored grapes, and has pronounced but soft tannins. All of these attributes are impeccably balanced so that the result is a wine that is highly pleasing and extremely well-liked by consumers. These attributes also mean that charbono is one of the most versatile wines with food. Sadly there is very little charbono planted in America - and very little left in Europe today. But we are certainly big fans of charbono and bet you will be too!
Gamay (加美)
原產自法國Burgundy(布根地)。Gamay 可以說是紅葡萄品種中,相對於Cabernet Sauvignon的另一個極端。很會生,釀成的酒顏色是淡紅色,味道清淡,酸度很重,單寧含量非常低,口感清淡,富含新鮮果香。通常不適久存,簡單易飲,屬於酒齡年輕時即喝的葡萄酒。 至於加州產的 "Gamay Beaujolais",這種其實是Pinot Noir(黑皮諾)的一種,並非真正的加美種。
The famous grape of Beaujolais. These are wines that should be drunk very young and very fresh, although traditionally vinified wines from Beaujolais’ nine classic crus can be aged like other red wines and, after 10 or 15 years, will develop Pinot noir varietal traits. This may just be a phenomenon or, as some believe, occur because the grape is possibly the result of an ancient, natural clone of the Pinot noir.
The famous grape of Beaujolais. These are wines that should be drunk very young and very fresh, although traditionally vinified wines from Beaujolais’ nine classic crus can be aged like other red wines and, after 10 or 15 years, will develop Pinot noir varietal traits. This may just be a phenomenon or, as some believe, occur because the grape is possibly the result of an ancient, natural clone of the Pinot noir.
Pinot Noir(黑皮諾)
原產自法國勃根第,為該區唯一的紅酒品種。屬早熟型,產量小且不穩定,適合較寒冷氣候,於石灰黏土的表現最佳。現在的Pinot Noir 顏色不濃,顏色是淡紅色或正紅色。氣味是不濃不淡的果香系與花香系。 常聞到的是櫻桃、莓果、梅子、黑醋栗、香料、玫瑰花、或其他花香。入口的感覺則是相當柔順溫淡。有點酸,但不澀、單寧酸很很少。
不過,Pinot Noir卻是主要紅葡萄品種中,公認是最難照顧的品種。對成長環境的要求較多。其品種特性不強,易隨環境而變,在良好的條件下黑皮諾雖然顏色不深,卻有嚴謹的結構和豐厚的口感,極適陳年。 除紅酒外,客皮諾經直接榨汁也適合釀製白色或枚瑰氣泡酒,是香檳區的重要品種之一,多與Chardonnay(沙當妮)及Pinot Meunier混合,較其他品種豐厚且適陳年。
買優質的Pinot Noir,要記得Pinot Noir品質容易暴起暴落,要小心製造酒莊、葡萄園、年份、還有運氣。 對Pinot Noir,要有失望的準備,但要有驚喜的期望。
One of the classic varieties of Champagnes, though its claim to great fame lies immediately south in Burgundy. In the right place, under ideal climatic conditions, the Pinot noir can produce the richest, most velvet-smooth wines in the world.
不過,Pinot Noir卻是主要紅葡萄品種中,公認是最難照顧的品種。對成長環境的要求較多。其品種特性不強,易隨環境而變,在良好的條件下黑皮諾雖然顏色不深,卻有嚴謹的結構和豐厚的口感,極適陳年。 除紅酒外,客皮諾經直接榨汁也適合釀製白色或枚瑰氣泡酒,是香檳區的重要品種之一,多與Chardonnay(沙當妮)及Pinot Meunier混合,較其他品種豐厚且適陳年。
買優質的Pinot Noir,要記得Pinot Noir品質容易暴起暴落,要小心製造酒莊、葡萄園、年份、還有運氣。 對Pinot Noir,要有失望的準備,但要有驚喜的期望。
One of the classic varieties of Champagnes, though its claim to great fame lies immediately south in Burgundy. In the right place, under ideal climatic conditions, the Pinot noir can produce the richest, most velvet-smooth wines in the world.
整體來說,Syrah是屬於那種飽滿多層次(Full-body)的酒。 Syrah在加州則種的不多,多分佈在沿海的縣。
A variety whose name is derived from Shiraz, the capital Fars, a province of Iran; most people believe the vine to have originated from Persia, possibly as far back as 600BC. In Hermitage, in the northern Rhone, the grape makes big, rich, tannic wines, with a good deal of fruit.
整體來說,Syrah是屬於那種飽滿多層次(Full-body)的酒。 Syrah在加州則種的不多,多分佈在沿海的縣。
A variety whose name is derived from Shiraz, the capital Fars, a province of Iran; most people believe the vine to have originated from Persia, possibly as far back as 600BC. In Hermitage, in the northern Rhone, the grape makes big, rich, tannic wines, with a good deal of fruit.
Zinfandel (金芬黛)
如果要說加州的特色酒是什麼? 豪無疑問的,一定是Zinfandel。Zinfandel的出身一點都不高貴。到目前為止,Zinfandel的原產地在哪裡?這品種怎麼育成的? 怎麼傳來美國的? 怎麼傳來加州的? 都沒人能確定。只知道Zinfandel在加州種植歷史超過百年,非常適應加州各地的風土環境。他就像這世界上數千種的"平民葡萄品種"一樣,平常無人聞問,直到(可能經由東歐)輾轉傳來加州大放異彩後,大家才去好奇他的族譜。在加州Zinfandel大半都被製成White Zinfandel,一種廉價的加州特產甜酒。
Zinfandel的氣味很濃郁,其中有很濃重的莓果風味,不難認。入口單寧酸不重,不酸不澀卻也不單調。很多美食家都認為Zinfandel非常適合一般的中國菜。 他的氣味濃重,莓果香跟香料的氣味跟很多中國菜氣味很搭調,卻又彌補中國菜常常氣味不足的缺憾。不甜、不太酸、也不太澀的味道,既不單調也不霸道,給重視口感滋味、常常有點鹹甜辣的中國菜留有發揮的餘地。
Its origins still a mystery. Zinfandel is California's very own grape variety. While it is much used to make bland 'blush' (rose) wines, it is also responsible for some wonderful, rich, spicy reds. These are full-blooded wines, packed with ripe berry fruit and supple tannins. Most are ready for drinking within two or three years, but they have staying power and the best will last 10 years.
Zinfandel的氣味很濃郁,其中有很濃重的莓果風味,不難認。入口單寧酸不重,不酸不澀卻也不單調。很多美食家都認為Zinfandel非常適合一般的中國菜。 他的氣味濃重,莓果香跟香料的氣味跟很多中國菜氣味很搭調,卻又彌補中國菜常常氣味不足的缺憾。不甜、不太酸、也不太澀的味道,既不單調也不霸道,給重視口感滋味、常常有點鹹甜辣的中國菜留有發揮的餘地。
Its origins still a mystery. Zinfandel is California's very own grape variety. While it is much used to make bland 'blush' (rose) wines, it is also responsible for some wonderful, rich, spicy reds. These are full-blooded wines, packed with ripe berry fruit and supple tannins. Most are ready for drinking within two or three years, but they have staying power and the best will last 10 years.
Cabernet Franc
原產自法國波爾多區,比卡本納-蘇維翁一樣,屬於早熟,果粒小小酸酸的,但是其所含的化學物則沒有卡本納-蘇維翁豐富,同時有一種很特別的礦物氣味。此葡萄適合較冷的氣候,單寧和酸度含量較低。 主要用來和Cabernet Sauvignon和Merlot混合,做成的紅酒,氣味有點淡薄,有不少草香系的氣味,入口酸度相當高。
A variety grown throughout Bordeaux, though it is only planted irregularly in the Medoc, and increasingly less so in Graces. Grown under neutral conditions, it might not be easy to distinguish any significant varietal differences between the two Cabernets, but, suited as they are to different situations the Cabernet franc tends to produce a slightly earthy style of wine that is very aromatic, but has less fine characteristics on the palate when compared to the Cabernet sauvignon.
A variety grown throughout Bordeaux, though it is only planted irregularly in the Medoc, and increasingly less so in Graces. Grown under neutral conditions, it might not be easy to distinguish any significant varietal differences between the two Cabernets, but, suited as they are to different situations the Cabernet franc tends to produce a slightly earthy style of wine that is very aromatic, but has less fine characteristics on the palate when compared to the Cabernet sauvignon.
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